With more than 35 years of experience in the field of acoustics and
loudspeaker technology, Visaton are the market leaders in their field.
They provide a comprehensive range for every conceivable speaker
project. Everything from ribbon, dome and cone tweeters to midranges of
all types, woofers, kits and a complete range of accessories,
parts and more!
Visaton B 200 6 OHM

"Auricaps are precision-wound in the US, and are
considered by many to be the finest capacitors available."
(Peter Breuninger -- Jun 06)

"I put a lot
of effort into finding the best-sounding parts for my custom upgrades
and my new VRE-1 preamplifier. After auditioning many of the world's
best (and most expensive!) capacitors, I find that your Aura-T Teflon
caps are the best available for several of my most critical
applications. They are extraordinarily neutral, and completely free of
any hardness or glare. Their top-octave performance is superlative -
relaxed, liquid, and natural. Highly recommended!"
( Steve McCormack, designer
SMc Audio )

Screw Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor. Load life of 2000 hours at 85°C.
High ripple current. |

We are winding our coils with baked wire, which gives us independence
from plastic bobbins. The coils are very tight and exactly winded with
techniques especially developed by our R & D department. We use no glue,
and we get no air bubbles inside the coil. In the beginning we could
guarantee +/-5% tolerance on our products, now we can guarantee +/- 1,5%
for High-End demands.
WAX COIL wound of copper foil and paper
insulation. Wax impregnated. Hard as a rock. Second to none. [detail..]